Today is the first Sunday after Christmas and the beginning of the “between time” that exists between Christmas and Epiphany. We observed Christmas Lessons and Carols this Sunday and heard the scope of our story of faith.
The service began with the bidding prayer which reminds us that we still need to hear Holy Scripture and the story of God’s loving purpose. We heard the story of Adam and Eve’s rebellion and expulsion from Eden, the story of humanity and our self-reliance and self-focused fallible nature. We heard reminders from Isaiah and the writer of the letter to the Hebrews which give us hope and meaning in our lives of faith. We closed the readings with the prologue to John’s gospel with all the mystery and circular verbiage. We are reminded in these lessons and reflections that the entirety of our story is part of the entire story of our faith. We are not separated from the fall, nor are we separated from the promise of hope that God offered and continues to offer. We are not excluded from the mysterious life lived by Jesus. Our mission is to be alert for the ones whom God places in our lives who need to hear the ongoing message of hope. Who might that be for you?
I invite your comments,
Readings: Genesis 3:1-23; Isaiah 40:1-11; Hebrews 1:1-11; John 1:1-18