Greetings on the 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany, a day of anticipation and a day to pause and look for God’s light. A day which prepares us to look to God’s presence in our lives to allow us to shine God’s light into the darkness.
Our invitation into worship was a reminder that Jesus and Scripture provide light for our path, not in isolation, rather in a community of believers. Our Hebrew scripture from Isaiah reminds the Israelites that God is not and will not be silent to the plights or concerns of the faithful people who relate to God. The Psalmist’s refrain affirms the depth of God’s love and care (hesed) and to bring confidence to the people of God. The letter to the Corinthians is Paul’s reminder to God’s Church, that their Church is God’s and not theirs where they use the gifts given by God. Our Gospel recounts Jesus’ first miracle in John’s corpus, the miracle of 180 gallons of wine in Cana.
Points to consider and remember as we journey in Epiphany 2025, we are God’s Church wherever we are, and when we focus on doing God’s work we will thrive. We are stronger and more capable because we are God’s people, connected rather than special. And our real mission is to empower others so we can build a well-functioning community together. How might you rely on God’s grace to move forward into the future?
I invite your comments,
Readings: Isaiah 61:1-5; Psalm 36:5-10; 1 Corinthians 12:1-11; John 2:1-12