Today was my second Sunday in the pulpit at St. Mark’s and it has been an amazing experience. Discounting the sheer size of the congregation (3 months of attendance from St. John’s in 2 weeks), it has been a busy couple of weeks learning about the parish and their relationships in the community.
In worship the theme was repentance and following where God leads us. We were reminded by the Psalmist that we need to wait patiently to hear God’s call and God’s direction. Sometimes we need to do that because we can be distracted by the “stuff” going on around us. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians relates that the time to act is now, because the time for action has grown short. The Gospel reading from Mark began with Jesus’ announcement that the kingdom of God has come near. Because that truth, we must change direction to align with God’s plan and call.
The sermon was based on the Hebrew Scripture reading from Jonah. Jonah was reluctant to preach to the Ninevites because he didn’t like them and was afraid that they might turn to God. Even though he simply told them they would be destroyed and not that they should repent, the Ninevites repented and turned to God.
Our mission is to remember that God directs us to do things as we will, not perfectly but with an eye to God’s plan. Even when we mess up, the Holy Spirit can cause God’s plan to be realized. Our job is not to judge, rather to be present and trust that God knows what God is doing.
Readings: Jonah 3:1-5, 10; Psalm 62:6-14; 1 Corinthians7:29-31; Mark 1:14-21
Listen here: 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany Sermon