Our worship began remembering the grace we receive as we remember the limitlessness of God’s presence and the nature of God described in the Trinity. Our faith gives us strength and confidence to navigate the uncertain times we live in. Our lesson from the Prophet Isaiah is the commissioning of Isaiah by God and the amazing and indescribable image he had of God. And the reminder that God makes all things clean to proclaim the truth about God in the world. The Psalmist sang a song reminding us that God’s works are more powerful and meaningful than we can imagine. Our Epistle from Paul’s letter to the Romans reminds us that the Holy Spirit given us helps us move from being beholden to the world and reformed by the sacrifice given by God. The gospel from John includes the promise that Jesus came to bring eternal life. Yet, the powerful message of the day is Jesus’ invitation to Nicodemus to look deeper at who Jesus is. The Trinity may be more than we can understand but the search for greater understanding is what is important for us. In the life of faith it is important to understand more than know “facts” about how God works.
I invite your comments,
Readings: Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:25-35, 37; Romans 8:22-27; John 15:26-27, 16:4b-15