Sixth Sunday of Easter Sermon
May 5, 2024, 2:51 PM

Blessings to you as May descends upon us and, at least in Medford, winter is still desperately trying to hang on. It has been rainy and the hills around town, just a few hundred feet higher in elevation, have fresh snow on the ground this morning. The birds have started changing out as some of the over-winter birds move to higher elevations and new birds arrive every day. As Mothers’ Day (or Mothering Sunday) arrives next week I offer prayers and thanksgivings for the mothering figures in our lives – the people who nurtured us and made us who we are. May the month of May bring you and show you the possibilities of our future.

Our worship began with a reminder that we are given love by God, in greater quantity than we can imagine. We are reminded that we continue to ask for wisdom to see the limitless love we have in our heart to do God’s will in the world. We began with a prayer remembering that Jesus is the way, the life, and the truth who will lead us on our journey to a deeper relationship with God. Our first lesson and the basis of today’s sermon was from the Acts of the Apostles, which was the story of Peter baptizing Cornelius’ family after they receive the Holy Spirit. A continuation of the question from last week, what prevents us from sharing God’s kingdom with all? Peter’s story is covered with the Holy Spirit and Peter’s true nature. The Psalmist sang a song that reminds us to find a new song to share so that God’s grace can shine through in the world. Our lesson from First John reminds us that the limitless gift we receive from being related to God in Christ is to love one another. The gospel from John illuminates the premise that God chose us to be ourselves as we witness for and about God in our lives. The scripture and example provided by Peter help us gain comfort from remembering that faith is lived in the middle of our messy, human lives.

May the upcoming week be one where you find people who need to be loved and connected to God’s grace. I invite your comments,

Readings: Acts 10:44-48; Psalm 98; 1 John 5:1-9; John 15:9-17

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